Monthly Archives: August 2009

2009 Winners…

Congratulations to:

  1. Brianne Gayfer who won a new digital camera
  2. Allison Jewell who won $75 gift certificate from Stone Road Mall
  3. Courtney Woods who won $50 in Galaxy movie passes.

Enjoy your picture taking, shopping, and movie watching!

Thanks everyone who joined in this year! You have read a total of 2701 books with a total of 715,567… which is FANtastic!!!

We look forward to Summer 2010… with more great prizes and more great books!

Happy Reading!

Sarah, Naomi & Kiirstin

Saturday!… is the last day to get your ballots in!

So make sure you get to your local branch this week! Get your final ballots in and increase your chance to win one of those great prizes!

Don’t forget to write a review on this site too… for a chance to be published in an upcoming LINK newsletter! We’ve had many fantastic reviews written so far… but the more the merrier! If you prefer not to write a review, that’s okay too, but check out the ones already written… it may give you some ideas for what to read for fall!

Hope you’ve all had a splendid summer so far! And check back soon for an announcement of the Teen Summer Reading Challenge winners! (Hopefully it’s YOU!).